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Back for another Year!


Back for another year - and another Blog! About time, as one would say. Nothing new since last April? Not really. The summer was very frenzied and an exceptional challenge, as you may suspect. Have a look at our last Newsletter for a recap of the growiing year. But now, heading towards the more peaceful, less agitated time of the year, there is more time for reflection and inner contemplation.


Before that "inner part" becomes too dominating, I must point to our amazing selection of Vegetables and fruits in our upcoming Food Baskets, the second week of Baskets in the New Year. Yes, this is the so-called meagre time of the year. However, looking at the rich and varied selection offered by our Food Baskets, some may beg to differ.


Looking back at the past growing season (you may have read the recap in the meantime), it becomes clear that there is a lot of work and effort behind everything we eat. This may escape one's view when beholding the nutritional abundance still at our disposal. But just recently, we were told that vegetable prices for things from California (most of our fruits and veggies come from there in the winter) may rise again due to heavy rains. Rain in California sounds good, after the prolonged drought (now in its fifth year) they have been having - just not so much in such a short time.


Well, as you probably know now, we too had a drought last summer, and we did sorely feel it. Things didn't grow or even germinate. Then they grew too fast. What ended up growing often turned out small or flawed. We can still see the results now when we package small heads of cabbage, scabby potatoes and timy onions. These are things we must live with - and do live with. Despite all of these stumbling blocks, we are still very happy to be able to offer you such a beautiful selection of Food Baskets. As always, thank you for your ongoing support - and looking forward to offering you another year of the best in organic home delivery, far and wide!

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