Pfenning's Organic Health Products & Food
Store Hours
Open Tuesday - Thursday 9 - 6
Friday 9 - 7
Saturday 8 - 5
[email protected]

Up and running!


Wow, what a ride! Sometime on Monday our new site went live - as many of you soon became aware of. And as with everything new, right away there were some wrinkles that demanded to be looked after. Thank you to all of you of the Pfenning's Community who so willingly and helpfully contacted us with their immediate concerns and suggestions. Many have already been looked after, some are still waiting to be addressed.

Some of you kindly pointed out that many images in our Catalogue are not loading. Please, do not despair. Our Catalogue reflects what is available in the Store - and that is quite a lot. Pfenning's Organic & More may well be able to supply most (if not all) of your organic food and grocery needs - and much more! We simply were not yet able to upload all the images for each and every product in our Catalogue. It is an ongoing process and we invite you to keep tabs on how missing images will be appearing, bit by bit.

We are also taking note of every tip, suggestion or concern with regard to the workings of the site. Do not hesitate to let us know your thoughts.

If you have not yet done so, please, take a moment to create a new profile (or account as it is called), even if you already had one in our old site. As we have pointed out to any of you asking about this, we did not migrate any old profile information to the new site. We would like to start with a clean slate, so to say, and get everyone's most up-to-date contact and delivery information.

By the way, there is still room to be among the first 20 people to place their first order on our new site - and get $5.00 off your next delivery.

Looking forward to seeing you all in our new site!

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