Pfenning's Organic Health Products & Food
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LAST Pre-Launch Blog


This is the LAST Pre-Launch Blog! I had to post this because while our web team proceeds to make our new site active, we will not be able to post any blogs.


Some time early this week, you will all log into this, our new site - finally! It has been a long time in coming, but we trust and hope you will enjoy our site and find it appealing and easy to work with. As with all things new, there may be a learning curve and certain bumps to maneuver over. Please, let us know if you run into any obvious problems or gltches when browsing our site and ordering.

We will do our best to address these as readily as possible.


We have come a long way and are happy to welcome you, the Pfenning's Community, to our and your new home!

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Wolfgang Wurzbacher
May 31, 2024
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