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Cherries and More


Before I go into anything else, a quick UPDATE that due to quality isuues, we could not include the Basil we had planned for this week's Local and Wild Baskets. The Basil was instead replaced with fresh Dill, also from Golden Acres Farm north of Stratford. Thank you to our customers for going along with this!


So we are right at the height of summer. So far, the season has been going well, we have been getting enough heat and rain, maybe a bit too much for some. If we could only send some rain to B.C. where it appears to be sorely needed.


The ample amounts of rain will, however, also have an effect on our LOCAL Cherry harvest from Palatine, Niagara. As you may know, you can visit their website - - sign up and order local near organic fruit from the Niagara Region. You can order there and have your fruit delivered to Pfenning's Organic & More in St. Agatha where we may be able to deliver it to you, depending on your location. Get in touch with me for more information!

In any case, Cherries are here, only not nearly as much as we all had hoped for. Due to the recent abundant rainfalls, pollination was not very good, so we will not be getting as many Cherries.

According to Rene and Eva, owners of Palatine, Apricots are next and are looking good.


You can also order Niagara Cherries directly from us while stocks last.


Cherries, reminds me of my boyhood days when we would climb up into local cherry trees and feast on them for hours. Glorious cherries which, in hindsight, were well worth the stomach ache we may have contracted in the process.

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