Good-bye, Mutti!Sunday, September 5, 2021
We are sad to share with you that, after eighty-four years, Barnhild Pfenning – Almut’s mother who was now living on the Hack Farm near Kincardine under the loving care of her oldest daughter, Elke and her husband, Martin (we wrote about this in our last Newsletter # 272) – has unexpectedly relinquished her physical presence on this earth.
In our Store, we have been striving ever since to keep the qualities and the spirit alive that Mutti embodied and that are still flourishing within our midst: friendly and accepting of everyone and everybody, diligent, hard-working, alternative-minded and – together with her husband, Wilhelm – always supportive of the natural, holistic and non-invasive, non-coercive approach, with an indomitable
During the time we were honoured with Mutti’s presence here on earth, we – Mutti, Almut and our daughter, Barnhild, named after her grandmother (and sometimes Wolfgang too) – were so fortunate to spend some leisure time with her on the island resort in her beloved Cuba. For many years, Mutti and Wilhelm travelled to Cuba, as circumstances permitted, for some relaxation time away from the ever-pressing duties which she lovingly embraced, yet was thankful to briefly replace with a well-earned vacation in this tropical paradise.
Needless to say, Mutti always left her mark – be it in Cuba or wherever she was. It was the mark which defined her as an authentic human being: portraying her steadfast and unperturbed presence as a genuine expression of caring and
Wolfgang Wurzbacher 43 May 31, 2024 |
Almut Wurzbacher 1 March 3, 2015 |