Pfenning's Organic Health Products & Food
Store Hours
Open Tuesday - Thursday 9 - 6
Friday 9 - 8
Saturday 8 - 5
[email protected]

Happy Canada Day!


Just in time for Canada Day, we seem to be heading into the dog days of summer - at last. No one is complaining, of course. The recent weather has been just fantastic for everything local growing out there. Rain seems to have set in just in time to keep things thriving.


So we contentedly head out for a few days of rugged hiking in the mountainous region of the Adirondacks in upstate New York. Please, enjoy your week off and remember that there are NO DELIVERIES this Canada Day week, July 1/2.


We will be back for regular deliveries again coming week, July 8/9.


Wishing all our customers a great week off with lots of fun, and looking forward to seeing you all again in the 2nd week of July.

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