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Save our Farmland!


It's not often that we say something on our Blog - unless it's good to know or pretty important.


"Saving our Farmland" seemed to be a matter important enough to be pointed out here.


We already talked about this in more depth in June's Newsletter, if you would like to know more.


As you can read in the local support group's site, the Region of Waterloo wants to acquire 770 acres of agricultural land for so far unknown industrial purposes - this at a time of rapidly diminishing agricultural land, which is not endlessly available, and in a "vibrant, welcoming countryside community with a rich history rooted in agriculture" (according to the township's official site).


There are many more considerations, such as environmental and groundwater concerns, potentially considerable traffic congestion, and overall far-reaching challenges for the sustainable management of this long-established agricultural region. If this happens here, it can happen anywhere!

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