Choose your pre-packed Basket! Free Delivery within our delivery area for BASKETS + ADD-ONS!
Add anything you like to your Basket from our online Catalogue.
Please, be sure to CHECK the DATE of the Basket Contents! Next Week's Basket Contents is generally posted on Sunday night or on Monday. There may be last-minute changes due to availability, quality or price changes.
All boxes are packed for you with the freshest possible certified organic produce and will be delivered to your door in these areas and at these times.
Place your order by SATURDAY NOON at the latest! You can order online, by phone, fax or email.
Read more about our Payment Options, Add-Ons, Standing Orders, Delivery Bins and Deposits/Storage Suggestions for Cold or Hot Delivery and Basket Substitutions. Please, also take note of our Guarantee!
NO DELIVERY Dec. 23-25
NO DELIVERY Dec. 30 - Jan. 1
Check back on December 29 for the
BASKET CONTENTS for January 6-8, 2025