Current Facts:
A cross of two important American varieties the Golden Delicious and Jonathan, the Jonagold apple has over seventy different strains, each which vary slightly in color, size and taste.
The skin of the Jonagold apple has an under blush which varies in color from greenish yellow to rosy orange depending on the strain and the temperature the apples are grown in. The skin is also covered with red spotting and vertical striping.
Large in size its flesh is crisp, juicy and creamy yellow in color. The Jonagold apple has a balanced blend of both its parents’ flavors offering the sweet-tart taste found in the Jonathan and the aromatic honey like scent of the Golden Delicious. - See more at: http://www.specialtyproduce.com/produce/Jonagold_Apples_345.php#sthash.TfoMmXW5.dpuf